Volunteering for a Healthier Life

Archive for May 2014

Eliminating sugar may be the key to the fountain of youth.

May 30, 2014

I remember all those age defying beauties that I studied carefully on the pages of Essence and Ebony magazine in years past. When asked how they managed to look so young they all said limited or no sugar intake. Some even said that they never touch white flour. With a nation on a sugar high […]

The Four Agreements of Working Out

May 23, 2014

Originally posted on bacvollife:
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz was one of my favorite reads of 2013.  It seemed like everyone I know had read the book but me so I decided to dive in myself to see what the buzz was about. I read it and loved it! Based on traditional Toltec…

5 reasons why headhunters aren’t calling you back

May 14, 2014

For all my friends seeking jobs, here is some good information.


May 9, 2014

While checking emails today I ran across one that I thought was just spam. Upon closer inspection I had run upon a rare gem. It was an email advertising a movie called FED UP. The movie is about revealing food industry lies.  Looks like we’ve been hoodwinked, bamboozled, and all at the sake of our […]